Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt:
[ The Fates lead him who will; him who won’t, they drag. ]
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman
Stoic philosopher (1st C. BCE)
“The Fates”. Here’s a little background … since most Americans would
have no idea about them. Our educational system is abysmally bankrupt. I’ll bet
if I asked people under 20 who Seneca was, they wouldn’t have the faintest
The Fates, were goddesses supposed
to preside over the accidents and events, and to determine the date or period
of human life. They were believed by the ancients to be three in number,
because all things have a beginning, progress, and end. They were the daughters
of Jupiter and Themis, and sisters to the Horae or Hours.
Their names, amongst
the Greeks, were Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis, and among the Latins, Nona,
Decima and Morta. They are called Parcae, because, as Varro thinks, they
distributed to mankind good and bad things at their birth; or, as the common
and received opinion is, because they spare nobody. They were always of the
same mind, so that though dissensions sometimes arose among the other gods, no
difference was ever known to subsist among these three sisters, whose decrees
were immutable. To them was entrusted the spinning and management of the thread
of life; Clotho held the distaff, Lachesis turned the wheel, and Atropos cut
the thread.
So, here’s my thought for today - how
does Life “work”? Does “Life” have a trajectory, a trajectory that’s built in?
If it does, is it the same for every human being, or is it different for each
person? Is it built into the nature of Life? Is there some
Force/God/Determinism that determines it? Is there a “Ground of Being”, a
Conscious Being, who makes arbitrary decisions about the trajectory of our
lives … or is it a “given” about the Mystery we call Life??
Seneca seems to indicate that there is a Path set out
for human life … and the “Fates” are a metaphor for the concept that human
beings must make a connection, or be taught it, with what Life is and learn how
to negotiate it best to our advantage … or that if we do not make the effort to
discover, to learn, this path, we shall be dragged along with probably not very
happy outcome. The positive indication here is perhaps that we human beings are
intended to have, not necessarily “control” over our lives, but at least a
capacity for choosing to cooperate with and shaping our destiny, both
individually and as the human race.
So, while you go about your day today, ponder these
things. And if you want to know what I think … well, give me a buzz! But, the really
important thing is … what do you
think? And what do your thoughts have to do with how you live your Life? Atropos/Nona
will eventually cut the thread. But: who’s
“holding the distaff”? And who’s “turning the wheel”?