Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, August 17, 2009

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

Love isn't an emotion or an instinct - it's an art.

- Mae West, entertainer, born on this date, 1893

Well, if I hadn’t said who said the first quote, you would (if you are an American of a certain age) have known, I suspect! I have often wondered if Mae came up with these terrific twists herself. Why not, right? She was a smart “dame”, as she herself said. I can see her cascading long blond wavy hair, her shimmering long dress, the curves she sculpted, her hand on her hip, her saucy eyes, and that incomparable delivery.

Anyway – all of us “drift”. It’s a given of being human. Sometimes we’re focused on being the kind of person we want to be, strive to be. Often we ….. well, drift. It’s important, I think, to cut ourselves a little slack. I’ve gotten to fat, and a friend just tonight said, “Well, you’ve been through hell with your health. Give yourself a break. When you’re ready, do what you need to do.” That encouraged me.

As to love, well I’ll repeat myself. Ms. West is bang on (hee hee). A bit of Love is feeling. And I would say that it’s definitely instinctually human, perhaps more powerful in some than in others. But essentially Love is an Art. We have to understand the principles, learn the techniques, hone the skills, and develop our will to put them to work.

Remember: loving yourself is as important as loving God (if you believe in God) and your “neighbour”, if you want the dynamic to work right and your Art to flourish.


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