Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, Nov 11, 2009

Disapproval of homosexuality cannot justify invading the houses,
hearts and minds of citizens who choose to live their lives differently.

- Justice Harry Blackmun, born on this date, 1908

We Gayfolk chose – if we have not been tyrannized by religion or culture or family - to live our lives differently because we must. We must be authentic. We must “listen to God”. We must listen to our hearts and spirits. In the end, to deny our reality is to deny all that makes us authentically human. And, I might add, faithful to “God”.

America is a lie when it comes to (1) separation of church and state (2) equality under the law and (3) respecting the humanity of ever human being and (4) the Christian Gospel which many Americans claim as its moral foundation.

We confirmed that slavery was wrong; but we continue to organize society prejudicially. We confirmed that men and women were equal, at least under the law, though we continue to discriminate in society and business. Will we not learn? When will we eradicate judgmental prejudice against Gayfolk, when all experience belays its basis in fear and prejudice??

More and more, Gayfolk choose to live their Truth. God rejoices! We pay the price - more than the legal system is willing to admit.

Bless all of you who are willing to have your “homes” invaded.

It makes our society more loving, more caring, more just, nore compassionate.


1 comment:

Phoebe Kestrel said...

What do you think of the LDS stance this week? I guess I give them points for being able to have a nuanced position rather than the more black and white we see elsewhere.
