Thursday, December 3, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, December 4, 2009

One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that
people will agree with you only if they already
agree with you. You do not change people's minds.

- Frank Zappa, musician; he died on this day, 1993, age 52

Well, I would say for myself that this is true ….. politically, and theologically (with 90% of American religion). With a deep sense of mixed emotions, and a desire to be honest, I will admit that I (a) know of no Republican who could convince me that (s)he was speaking the truth or had anything to say that would enhance my understanding (or desired to), and (b) trying to change peoples’ minds never succeeds. This is America and much of the World today, alas.

But: let’s get to the “spiritual” dynamic. I agree: You can’t usually “change peoples’ mind” by intellectual argument or by persuasion. In America, the Mind has taken bottom rung to Emotion. Experience proves this, except perhaps for a “few” who are secure enough in their being to “hang loose”.

You can only help others – and yourself - towards transformation by your action. By loving people. By listening to their hopes and fears, even if you make it clear that you don’t agree with them. We all want to be understood, to be taken seriously. Then we can let go of some adversarial defensiveness.

These days, perhaps we should give up trying to change peoples’ minds. It is counter-productive.

Let’s just focus on the Wounded Soul of all human beings. Our own included. Let’s try to reach out and place a soothing hand on each others’ deep wounds, in hopes that such caring will break down the Berlin Walls that fence us off from each other.

What “changes people’s minds” fundamentally is Understanding and Acceptance. Once we learn to do this for each other while accepting our disagreements, we can move forward. The “grace” is in the cessation of assumed hostilities.


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