Sunday, October 12, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, October 13, 2008

Zip. Nada. Rien. Nothing.

- Queen Jane of England (formerly Lady
Jane Grey), for 9 days, born on this day,

Sic transit Gloria mundi.

Fleeting is Life. We think, Oh, 90 years!! (Maybe – if you aren’t hit by the proverbial bus. Or cancer. Or gene disorder. Or, if you live in 9/10th of the World, failure of life support.) And then 90 years is up, and it’s zipped by, and now what? (I always remember my mother saying how, as she got older, the time just flew by faster.) I’m 62. And it seems like just Yesterday it all started. I think of the Beatles’ song: Yesterday / All my troubles seemed so far away / Now it looks as though they’re here to stay / Oh, I believe in Yesterday.

All my troubles seemed so far away
. But Troubles await. I have really been thinking about this, dealing with cancer etc. And thinking about the “Wisdom” that we learn from all sorts of sources on this Earthly journey. I am guilty of “worrying”. Oh God, what’s coming! Then I think of the little wisdom – Who by worrying …..

And the real question of “faith” (it isn’t just “religious”; it’s at the core of a thinking human being) IS: How shall I understand this?

Mortality forces us to come to grips with what it means to “be alive”, and with how shall we head into the wind.

I have decided that every challenge to mortality requires me to ask, What does it mean …. to Live. Someone once said, Live today as if it were the last day of your Life.

Yes. The Gospel Path has taught me that “the day” is a metaphor for Eternity. Every day that we live is a microcosm of All-That-was-And-Ever-Shall-Be.

Lived this way, you pack it with every meaningful thought, action, laughter, sadness, compassion that you can muster.

And you “die” content.


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