Monday, December 29, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We look forward to the time when the power to love
will replace the love of power. Then will our world
know the blessings of peace.

- William Gladstone, 4 times PM of Great Britain,
who was born Dec 29, 1809

There used to be a service organization called The Optimists. Do they still exist? We could use a lot of optimism these days!

Gladstone is being pretty optimistic – and that is a good thing in a politician, I think. And I would say that, close to the heart of Christianity, is the Message “May the power of Love replace the love of power.” If the choice of the Cross has anything to say, it is to spit in the face of the wrong kind of power.

These days, the desperate need for Peace is cacophonous. Israel and Gaza is but a metaphor for the global crisis of the absence of Peace – which is always the sign of the absence of Justice and of Compassion and of love of neighbour. I hear a version of Paul’s cry ringing all around: “Who will deliver us!”

It won’t be one person. I hope that Obama will contribute, but he will need help. And it won’t be just humans. It will be Mystery and Spirit, as well as human beings who connect to a vision for our World. But this “vision” is not going to be imposed from without, I don’t think. I don’t believe that’s the way Life – or “God” – works. It will come from within, born out of what Mystery imbedded in our human nature I am not sure. It will come from that place where the concept of God as Good lives. But I know it is there. In my meditation, I often ponder why it is we refuse to choose Peace. Is the power of Evil that great? I guess it is. (The Gospel seems to agree.) Or - is it Fear? Isolation? Tribalism?

I am not sure how I can contribute. But I am going to call for Peace. Connect to it where I can. Because I absolutely believe that the power to love can replace the love of power - somewhere, sometime. Evidence or not, I choose optimism. May my naiveté be smiled upon.


p.s. Gladstone also said, for pondering:

Justice delayed is justice denied. (Bet you thought an American said that!)

Nothing that is morally wrong can be politically right.

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