Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, Jan 14, 2009

Let us go forward with the heart completely attentive and
the soul 
fully conscious. For if attentiveness and prayer
are daily joined 
together, they become like Elias' fire-bearing
chariot, raising us 
to heaven. What do I mean? A spiritual
heaven, with sun, moon and 
stars, is formed in the blessed
heart of one who has reach a state 
of watchfulness, or who
strives to attain it. 

- St. Philotheus of Sinai

“ ….. with the heart completely attentive and the soul fully conscious.” Yes. This is way to live fully. And I love the beautiful imagery of both the fire-bearing chariot of Elias and the spiritual heaven within the “blessed heart”. As well as the clarity of the metaphorical truth of the understanding Philotheus shows. He knows that the Chariot of Elias is a symbol of the human heart swept up into Joy by God’s Love.

Philotheus touches on one of the core reasons for human suffering, namely an inattentive heart and an unconscious soul – “heart” and “soul” both being symbols of the wells of human essence. Most of the time, we human beings are simply not paying attention, either to what is going on around us or to what is happening within us. That is what the parable of the “Wise and Foolish Virgins” is about – as well as the many Gospel calls to “Watch”. The World, God, ourselves, are constantly spewing out Wisdom and Truth and Wonder and Mystery - and we are NOT paying attention! We are so easily distracted. As I have often said the whole purpose of “Religion” is (by definition) to “keep us tied” to these life-giving sources of Being. It doesn’t matter if it’s worry beads or constant deep meditation – we NEED things to keep us focused.

“Be watchful, for you do not know the time or the hour”. This has nothing to do with being caught and punished for stupidity. It simply has to do with being ready to receive and accept every gift that the Universe offers in order to be fully alive.

And It’s gifts are infinite!


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