Brian’s Reflection: Monday, February 23, 2009
Believe in life! Always human beings will live and
progress to greater, broader, and fuller life.
- W. E. B. DuBois, American sociologist and
co-founder of the N.A.A.C.P., born on this
day, 1868
Whad’ya think? I guess if one can take the “long view” and be accepting of minute “advances” (as well as constant reversions that last long times and can be particularly violent or discouraging), and that the advances will happen here and there on different issues, then maybe the second part of Dubois’s comment is “true”. Unfortunately, “organized religion” is often one of the major factors holding back the advances – though to be fair, often specific and remarkable religious leaders pop up to lead towards “greater, broader, fuller life”.
Ultimately, whatever the played-out realities are, it seems to me that we must take up and live by positions or principles of faith or belief, flying in the face of “the facts”. So, the World may be a seemingly hopeless mess at the moment on practically all levels. We (I, anyway!) could just give up, crawl into our shell, make the best of it, and let the whole thing go to hell in a handbasket.
Or: we can choose to “Believe in Life”. Fly in the face of all the negative stuff. Do our best to be part of the solution. Be satisfied with very small steps. And keep the “long view”.
Sounds like a plan.
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