Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going
forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge.
- Enrico Fermi, physicist, born on this date, 1901;
he died at the young age of 53.
Well, God Forbid that I should be accused of belabouring any subject. I don’t think I do, especially the subject of homosexuality. However. The refusal of many folk to accept the fact that homosexual people do not “choose” their sexual orientation and thus their natural behaviour is, for me, the quintessential example of deliberate choice of Ignorance writ large. Choosing Ignorance is, for me, the quintessential example of Human fear, pettiness, delusion, and willful choice of Infantilism. There is only one thing worse, in my mind – and that is people blaming “God” for their Ignorance.
The thing that comes, for me, next closest on the Ignorance Scale is chosen Ignorance about the Mystery we call “God”. (Maybe it should be first on the List!?) Fermi reminds us that our “knowledge” of God must – if we are honest human beings – go “forward”. Millenia after the founders of the “great” religions that persist today, vast numbers of adherents live only to eviscerate their power and teachings. By their enslavement to Literalism. C.S. Lewis was correct that “Satan” (the anthropomorphic personification of Evil) delights in our human delight of Ignorance. People who live in uni-dimensional Worlds are – to put it in common political parlance – disciples of Bushitism.
Well, enough of my political rant. Jesus is reported to have said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”. We’ve been waiting far too long, but the Time “has come”, is indeed always present, to stop preventing “knowledge from going forward”. About God especially. All of us have a far too limited understanding about the vast Mystery of God. It’s time for humility. Time to lift our gaze in amazement and desire to the 99% of “God” that has yet to be revealed. Time to abandon the burden of our arrogance and rise on the wings of Wonder.
We know so little. About ourselves. About the World. About “God”. How I would love to live in a Human Community born anew to exploring the deep Mystery of Life!