Sunday, March 27, 2011

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, March 28, 2011

A spiritual person tries less to be
godly than to be deeply human.

Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr.

I’ve come to see that there isn’t any difference. I think it’s clear that the Christian Gospel teaches that Jesus is the Elder Brother of all human beings, that we are all His “heirs”. To be human, mythologically speaking, is to be a Daughter or Son of God. [ I don’t need to say, to those of you who feel you know me some, that defining “God” trumps all other Questions!]

Of course this begs the Question: what does it mean to be “deeply human”? That Question, and it’s cousin “What does it mean to Love” – they define the essential work of each of us.

I think – and I say this from the experience of my Life – that most of us are lured away from this most important work. We are told in so many ways that we should be this or that. Parents and teachers and mentors try to shape us into whatever they think we should be. The rare gift and blessing in our Life is to find someone who tells us to be the unique human being we are meant to be, and supports on that Discovery. In God’s mind, there is no other appropriate Destiny. We must learn to Love in all It’s infinite aspects, and only as we were uniquely “made” to do it.

Today I am going to work at pushing aside all false pictures of me. In this season of Lent, this time of Reality, I’m going to look at who I am, “good” and “bad” and in between. To embrace, assess, let go of the Not-Me, and appreciate the Me. Then try to open to the process of being re-shaped by Love ….. by that immense and unconditional Love that is “God”.

It won’t matter how far I get today. Any minute step is cause for rejoicing in Heaven!


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