Thursday, February 19, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, February 20, 2009

To be united with the Lord of Love
Is to be freed from all conditioning.
This is the state of Self-realization,
Far beyond the reach of words and thoughts.
To be united with the Lord of Love,
Imperishable, changeless, beyond cause
And effect, is to find infinite joy.

Tejabindu Upanishad (Hindu)

This is where it’s “at”. Christians call it the “Unitive Way”. Other religions have a similar ultimate goal. Now, tell me this: how many times have you heard “the Unitive Way”, or “to be united with the Lord of Love” in your own worship context?? How many times have you heard a sermon about It? How many times have you been told that you are here in a worship service so that you can advance along the Unitive Way? Unless you are in a very unusual worship setting, I’d guess about maybe once – if that.

And yet, this is what “religion” should be all about! The word means “to be re-tied”. Re-tied to, becoming One again, with the Source of Life. My perception is that, in many places, people are getting sick of “religion” – where “religion” is about being “moral”, keeping your life ethically “tidy”, being responsible, and of course “supporting your church financially”. But there will be little energy in all that if the heart of religion is being ignored: “To be united with the Lord of Love”.

Religion is essentially about Transformation, about “transfiguration”. Many of the Eastern Orthodox” got it right; the Feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus is about as big a feast as Easter! Alas, the problem is, most of us don’t want to be transfigured! We like the devil we know – especially is we live in a part of the World where we are among the top 3% of lifestyle and comfort. We all know that fervent religion grows among people who have less of the World’s comforts – but alas, it usually drags bitterness and intolerance and a shriveled soul along with it.

“God” is indeed “far beyond the reach of words and thoughts”. But indeed, “infinite joy” is only found if the primary goal and yearning is to be “united with the Lord of Love”.

Are you a follower of a religion? If so, be sure it is one anchored in Oneness with the Lord of Love. All the rest will fall in line.


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