Thursday, March 13, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, March 14, 2008

Change is such hard work.

- Billy Crystal, comedian

I personally have never found change hard work. Except the mechanics. Responding to the call to change, no problem. But the deciding what to take with you, physically, mentally, spiritually - well, that is the real challenge! However, I have always found the physical the worst - where the hell is this Chinese lamp going to go in the car???

One of the basic realities of “change” is ….. well, change! Change is an invitation to let go of and leave behind all the baggage that does not need to go with you. That’s why “change is the only constant”. We human beings need this! It is so easy to get mired in a sinkhole, in the quicksand, where you just sink into spiritual torpitude (don’t you love that word!) or, metaphorically speaking, “death”. Ever wonder why God tells Abraham to leave his home and set off where God will lead? Because “change” is essential to growth and maturing. In my humble opinion. People who resist change are Bearers of Death, to themselves and to others in a community. If you encounter people opposed to change in any organization you belong to – especially “church” – move on if you can’’t convert them.

OK. So change is probably hard work. Because one characteristic of being human is geotropism. (Am I not full of wonderful words today!) We are beset by “gravity”. There is something about being human that tempts us to wallow in mental and spiritual (and if you are American, physical) laziness.

I don’t know about other religions, but Christianity is not geotropic. The Gospel is heliotropic. Reach for the glory of the Light. Find the Divine - the Sun - blazing within your heart! Rise up from the “dirt” to the Spirit Breath that hauls you “up” to Glory!

Thanks Billy!


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