Saturday, March 15, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Saturday, March 15, 2008

A secret formula for finding (indeed creating)
peace, harmony, and happiness upon the earth:
Serve life first, in everything you think and say and do.

- Neale Walsh (Tomorrow’s God)

Serve life first. I don’t know why it should be so secret. Seems obvious.

There is one major problem. People most often value their own life. But we often have problems with others’ lives, especially if others live according to their own light and path and not ours. This is, in my opinion, the problem with the abortion issue. There are lots of people, including myself, who think that abortion does not honour the life of an incipient human being. That it is a great sadness that abortion should happen at all in human society. But what about the lives of the women who have to have babies they didn’t want, that were forced upon them, that they can’t support or feed? The issue will not be solved until all the lives involved can be equally served.

Yes. Serve Life first. All life. God did not make any one claim to life better or less than another.

And the “spiritual” issue? Find a way to Remember, day by day, hour by hour, that this is the path one wishes to walk. Build communities that help us to help each other.


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