Brian’s Reflection: Monday, August 3, 2009
There must be a goal at every stage of life! There must be a goal!
- Maggie Kuhn, elder, founder of the Gray Panthers (1970, (working
for economic and social justice), was born on this date, 1905
Big topic. A goal? For whom, or what? Oneself? The Human Race? One’s local community? Religion? If Ms. Kuhn (and I call her that advisedly; she is quoted once to have said, “The ultimate indignity is to be given a bedpan by a stranger who calls you by your first name”; I wouldn’t want even to come close to arousing her posthumous wrath!) is saying that we all have to have grand goals as we age ….. I disagree. Extremely simple things would, I think, do.
So: just to get you thinking, I here list Brian’s Five Present Goals. Just to get your juices going. Then you’re on your own for the day.
1. Greet the day with Trust.
2. Laugh when I look in the mirror.
3. Be amazed at something each day ….. well, maybe each week.
4. Not buy another antique Italian carnelian ring ever again. (I have 8.)
5. Give away something every month.
But I have one major goal - not to be intimidated by my goals to the detriment of inner peace, an appropriate humility, crème brule topped with raspberries and blueberries when offered, or the gift of any form of bag.
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