Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, Aug 27, 2009

The history of the world is none other than
the progress of the consciousness of freedom.

- Friedrich Hegel, philosopher, born on this
date, 1770

It has long seemed to me that one of the core principles of the Gospel, and perhaps of all “religions”, is Freedom. Jesus is reported to have said things like, “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” Constantly Jesus was confronting people to look at the truth, about themselves, about the World, about “God”, about all things. I’m not at all sure what the “truth” was/is, but discovering it promised a wholly different Life. Jesus seemed to be saying that most of us live in a kind of slavery – a slavery whose
taskmaster is Ignorance.

The World today, it seems to me, is profoundly beset by a lack of consciousness about Freedom. I don’t need to list the examples. Politically, spiritually, economically, militarily, in every way, one of the primary dynamic forces of our Time is to deny Freedom. From the USA and all the nations of power right down to the least powerful, in all of the religions of the World – at least as far as the “leaders” go – others are to be repressed and dominated, conquered or eliminated, in the mistaken belief that this will “make us safe”.

It only effects the opposite. The more we repress or deny freedom, at any level., the more unsafe we become, as individuals, as communities, as nations. The primary product of the repression of Freedom is hate and rebellion. And no matter how long it is repressed, eventually the hate and rebellion will explode out, with the most hideous of consequences on all levels of being. We are at such a stage in World history now.

I have no idea what the “answer” is. In fact, there may be many in power who desire the status quo as long as they do not become targeted victims, as long as they have the power to check those they oppress - and the power to snuff out all uprising for Freedom.

Radical Freedom is the only milieu for safety, for peace.

What can you and I do today to serve Freedom?


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