Brian’s Reflection: Monday, January 4, 2010
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
T.S. Eliot, poet, Nobel in Literature 1948.
He died on this day, 1965. Known for
“The Four Quartets” & “Murder in the Cathedral”
Well. How people so very often reflect – as we should expect – the deliberate hiddenness of their own lives. I have no idea in what context Eliot said these words. But they (only perhaps unconsciously) reflect Eliot’s inner conflict. He was certainly Gay, as can be seen in his friends and behaviour. He was “closeted” – or so he thought. But most of those who knew him knew the “reality”. Eliot was – alas, as with most of us – unable to apply his wisdom to himself.
However, he was certainly a brilliant poet, and thinker. And I support his words. They illuminate a sad reality about us human beings. We live a great deal of the time in fantasy. We seem to have a very minimal capacity to face the truth. I see it in every era of history. I see it today vividly – the cancer that lies behind the base and hideous way that human beings are treating and thinking about each other – often resorting in horrifying violence and cruelty to our fellow human beings. This includes Islamic suicide bombers, so-called “Christian” (I see no resemblance) murders of abortion providers, Israeli bombings of Palestinian people, American status as the biggest supplier of arms in the World, and the Taliban – and a host of others.
We can’t bear Reality very much. We can’t admit how fearful and hateful and greedy we can be – individually and corporately. And so we resort to lies. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and many others in every land and culture and religion and state have done it. It has only fostered both increased cruelty and destructive behaviour, and an entrenchment in the pattern of lying.
All great spiritual leaders, including Jesus, espouse Reality. Jesus was relentless at demanding that people look at the truth, to stop pretending. To own up to Reality and be set free by it. I know of what I speak. I have been taught by the Gospel to look at my own Reality and to repent of those things that have marred my humanity. I know how hard it is to do, believe me. Our pastor preached a fine sermon today that highlights this point, and I hope to share it with you tomorrow.
We are trapped in lies and an addiction to Unreality in our World these days. As an example, just listen to the nonsense we tell our young people about sex and violence these days and expect them absurdly, to be responsible – especially when we expose them to hours of both on television. Reality may be hard to embrace. But unless we do, we will all continue to live in a Hell of our own creation. One of the great messages of the Gospel (and other faiths) is that there is a simple path out of the Hell.
Repent, and go and sin no more.
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