Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, March 16, 2009

Now we should look back and remember what just one
bomb did, or two bombs ….. Then I think we should realize
that this can't happen again.

- Col. Thomas W. Ferebee, speaking on the 50th
Anniversary of his dropping the atomic bomb
on Hiroshima; he died on this date, 2000, age 81

As one might expect, Col. Ferebee expressed no regret after having aimed and dropped the first atomic bomb from the Enola Gay. (Over 80,000 people died, instantly or due to the effects of radiation.) Fifty years later, he said the above.

I have no desire to try and second-guess the decision, given the situation, and given the extreme complexity of human nature and of the events of “History”. The same issues are raised by the development throughout the centuries of superior weapons: of iron spearheads, chariots, canons, war elephants, right through to mustard gas, Internet viruses, etc. This includes various religions justifying violence against people of their own, other, or no religions , including the Roman Catholic and Geneva churches who justified such violence on the basis of ….. Love for sinners!!!!!!!

Today’s reading at the Eucharist (RCL Lectionary) from Exodus was the Ten Commandments. One of which says, “Thou shalt not kill”. (I notice that the NRSV says “murder”. Is some point trying to be made? Does anyone know the Hebrew word used, and its exact translation?) As I’m sure everyone knows, all kinds of exceptions and justifications have been made - using Scripture, of course - to getting around that Commandment. As well as side-stepping Jesus’ commandment to Love One Another - by quoting for example Jesus’ supposed other words, “I did not come to bring Peace, but a Sword” ….. usually entirely out of context.

I’m with the people, both theologically and politically, who say that the fact of nuclear weapons dictates their non-use. For the simple reason that we could all die. But of course, this does not take into account wackos, nuts, zealots, nd amoral people – of which we seem to have more and more these days. Those of us who are not wackos, nuts, zealots, or amoral need to get together!

I am also with those who, for whatever reason, say that War is (a) NEVER justified and (b) NEVER acceptable to “God” (if you believe in “God”). War is always an example of the corporate failure of the human race. The only response to war is lamentation and repentance.

I believe that Jesus’ principle to “Love One Another as I have loved you” supercedes all religious lawbooks. As St. Paul said, the Law brings only condemnation.

“No killing” sounds like Love to me.


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