Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Our homeland is the whole world. Our law is liberty.
We have but one thought, revolution in our hearts.
- Dario Fo, Italian author, winner of the Nobel prize
For Literature, 1997; born on this date, 1926
Jesus could have said this. If He had, you can bet it would have been excised from the Gospels by the time of the Council of Nicea. But as I read the Gospels, and understand “Jesus”, this is how He thought. The “whole word” is “the Kingdom of God; “Liberty” is radical Grace; “revolution” is “conversion to Love”.
I think I had better read more of Dario Fo.
At the moment, the religions of the World are committed to division, hatred, exclusion, condemnation, contempt. (Not all, but the major “players”, particularly Roman Catholicism, Russian Orthodoxy, and Islam. Though much less in numbers, I would include Mormonism and American Evangelicanism.)
Upon so-called “retirement”, I have committed my spiritual life to “the whole World”, to Liberty, and to Revolution. Because I believe that this is what “God” wants.
The sooner the various communities of the human race realize that their anthropomorphized, cultural “gods” are just projections of their own petty power and control and fear issues, the sooner the human race can work together to make Earth a place of Peace. “God”, ever non-violent, is waiting. It is up to us.
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