Brian’s Reflection: Monday, May 18, 2009
It should be one's sole endeavor to see
everything afresh and create it anew.
- Gustav Mahler, composer; he died on
this day, 1911, in Vienna
Now! When you read this quote, don’t you feel something rise up in your Spirit?! I did. I definitely felt as if a bit of what the Gospel calls “resurrection” surged into my Life. Oh, Life can get so BORING! Same old same old. In reality, every day is different; but we get into ruts, and we react in the same “rutty” way. Often we feel that we are just being swept along, that we have no power to control or change things. Our mind and our imagination go into “hold” mode. We just start “coping”, or responding. We forget that we have been offered the power to shape the Life around us.
What are you thinking when you awaken every morning? I hope it’s not “Oh God, how am I going to deal with this drudgery ahead for the next twelve hours?” Somewhere along the way – especially if you have had anything to do with a “spiritual community”, you should have learned that YOU SHAPE REALITY. There is absolutely NO reason to awake as a victim – of history, of your mind, of anxiety, of depression, or any number of other tearing-down things. If the Gospel has any message, one essential one is this: By the fact of the Divine indwelling you, you have the power to see “everything afresh and to create it anew”.
I have been dealing with “God” and with “Jesus” for many decades in my Life now. It took awhile, but I have learned (fitfully) that when I awake in the morning and am assaulted with victim-like feelings, THAT is the moment to say “Depart out of me”.
Remember: at the core of your Being is the power to greet each day with Mahler’s words: It is my sole endeavour to see everything afresh and create it anew.
Remembering this Truth, most of us would greet each day with a lot more enthusiasm and sense of our power – and aware of the amazing adventure both Life and our Being is.
Today, begin a different Life. Know that you can “see everything afresh and create it anew”. Take the bull by the proverbial horns!
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