Brian's Reflection: Wednesday, May 27, 2009
You play the hand you're dealt.
I think the game's worthwhile.
- Christopher Reeve, actor, who became a
quadriplegic on this day, 1995, and became an activist.
As an actor, Christopher Reeve was at one moment young, handsome, and ….. Superman. The next, he was in a wheelchair unable to do anything for himself except talk, with help. And in a way, he went on being Superman - just differently.
This is a parable of Life. It can change completely in a minute. I don’t know where or how Chris Reeve learned how to “take” Life, how to understand it, how to live it, how to cope with what happened to him. Apparently for him God didn’t have anything to do with it; he is reported to have said, “Even though I don't personally believe in the Lord, I try to behave as though He was watching.” But he obviously learned Wisdom along the way. He was dealt several hands, and seems to have played them well. He obviously thought that the Game of Life was worthwhile.
I do too. And I can’t say “how” I learned that. I think it’s part of the Mystery of Life. It comes with the territory of being human, at least the heart of it does. Then it’s almost a crap shoot how we get “raised” and how our life skills are or are not developed, depending on many factors, some of which we have control over and most of which we don’t. If I have a vision for the World, it is that everyone in it will be given all the opportunities and all the tools needed to play out every hand that’s dealt – and critically, to be adjustable when each new one is. I would like to live in a World where every person is committed to making that happen for everyone else. “God”, I think, would be happy with such a World. No one should live in a World where the Game’s not worthwhile.
Gird up your loins. We have a long road ahead of us. Other of Chris Reeve’s words are helpful:
Don't give up. Don't lose hope. Don't sell out.
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