Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The more one judges, the less one loves.

- Honore de Balzac, author, born on this date, 1799

Balzac said a lot of silly stuff about women, mostly, to my ears, derogatory. But I suppose for his time somewhat enlightened. One has to take things in context. I wish that people would remember this when it comes to the Bible. And remember that Jesus insisted on leaving the Holy Spirit of the Living God to guide future generations in the path of Love and Sense as the human context changed.

But I think Balsac got the connection about judging/judgmentalism and loving bang on. Does this prove there are some “relative absolutes” in the realm of the Wisdom of the World? Perhaps so! (I don’t believe in absolute absolutes!)

I don’t think that Balzac was talking about the kind of measured making of judicious judgment that comes with long thought and experience. He was talking about the kind of taking the measure of someone from the get go, based on ones own prejudices or preferences. As soon as we start doing that, the capacity to love decreases. Unfortunately, most of us often base our decision to love someone on whether they please us. Genuine love is the love that makes it possible to “love our enemies”, as Jesus cleverly asked people to do. Once we see others as like us, vast horizons for understanding and peace open up.

Let’s see how many times today we can catch ourselves at judging, and turn them into a loving response.


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