Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, October 16, 2009

For this is the journey that men and women
make, to find themselves. If they fail in this,
it doesn't matter much else what they find.

- James Michener, author, who died on this
date, 1997

I read all his books. Fascinating. Of course, some of them were (or turned out to be) propaganda. “The Source”, for example. Misleadingly biased. Too bad: it skewed truth, in my opinion.

However, Michener makes a fundamental “spiritual” point. The critical task of every human being and of the human community is to “find themselves”. I am absolutely convinced that at the heart of all the difficulties the human community is experiencing lies the failure to understand that all human beings are connected and One, with each other and with the “Brahman” – with that great Mystery called “Being’. The Buddha said it. Jesus said it. Confucius said it. The Jewish Prophets said it. And most everyone else.

Do you get what I’m saying? We must understand that each of us is a manifestation of God. Each of us. No exceptions. We must understand this! We will not have found ourselves until we know this at the depth at the very core of our being. And – most importantly – when we act on this truth! Every one of us.

“If we fail in this, it doesn’t matter much else what they find”.

The regular folk of America (and of the whole World) will wither and die, and the insurance companies and the banks and the health care companies will prosper and live high off the hog, unless we rediscover our common humanity and our connection with each other – a connection that is the only thing that will prevent a World war and revolution that will plunge us into horrendous chaos.

Come on People. Challenge our leaders! It is we who will make the difference between a World worth living in and misery.


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