Monday, October 12, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The crimes of the U.S. throughout the world have
been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless,
and fully documented but nobody talks about them.

- Harold Pinter, playwright. On this date, 2005,
he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

I use “political” comments a lot as a springboard for my comments – and yes, they are biased. But my interest is primarily in so-called “spiritual” commentary. So. I think what Pinter has to say about America is correct, personally. It is also true, in my opinion, about ALL the large powerful political entities. This is Life. (Note how irenic and “balanced” I am becoming! Is this “good”? I wonder!)

Anyone know Michael Sandel? Teaches at Harvard. Just wrote a book called “Justice”. Of course, after hearing him on Charlie Rose, I downloaded his book to my Kindle – luckily, at $9.95 a book, I can get 5 a month on my (strict) budget!

The Judeo-Christian God is portrayed as deeply concerned about Justice. The prophets? Mega! Jesus? I would say so. What Michael Sandel raises with his students – and with us, in his book – is how do WE decide what is Just? What trumps – the Individual or the Community? He raises some challenging issues, and I think it would be a good thing if we were all thinking about them. This is “Inner” Work. This is “Religious” work. This is “Spiritual” work. The UN says that unless we increase our food production by 70% by 2050, a huge percentage of our over 9 billion people will be starving. When we get to that date, what will dominate – a common sense of Justice for All, or “Everyone for Themselves”? Torture – OK if more are saved by causing suffering to one? Health care – is it Just not to have all of our citizens covered?

For me, the central religious issue is, are we ALL God’s people, or only Some? I vote for ALL – and that is what guides my path. To put it in classical Christian terms, Jesus “died to save us ALL”. Not just those who “follow Him”.

I wish you Good Pondering this Tuesday!


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