Friday, April 20, 2012

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, April 20, ‘12 

I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, 
because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, 
none is greater or better than friendship. 

 Pietro Aretino, Italian poet; 
born on this date, 1492 

 Pietro has good backup on this. Jesus is reported to have said to his close followers, “I no longer call you servants, but friends”. (John 15) And further, “I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father.”

 I can fully endorse what Pietro says from personal experience. As I have entered into the Mystery of God, and come to know the boundryless intimacy of the relationship and identity in the trinity of Self, God, Others, the “title” that makes most emotional and intellectual sense to me re “God” is “Friend”.

 I have been and am blessed with many friends in my Life …. and I have spent much time staying in relationship with them, remembering significant events in their lives, being in contact, visiting. All to indicate that they are treasures I value deeply. I am often aware how they have shaped my Life.

 To be befriended … and to befriend … is one of Life’s greatest gifts.


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