Education has for its object
the formation of character.
Spencer, English philosopher;
was born on this date, 1820
I wonder if schoolchildren in
America ever get taught the wisdom of people like Dr. Spencer? Somehow, I doubt
it! I have to admit that I am appalled by the limitations and ignorance of
American young people today who go through the public school system … just as I
am appalled by the narrowness and bigotry of the young people who do alternative
schooling … especially home-schooling. Bad alternatives, in my opinion.
Who thinks of “character”
today? Who thinks of the development of character as the “first object” of
education? Is this because we have completely lost any sense of what
“character” is … and hence have no sense of how to “teach” it??
Jesus didn’t teach moral rules
and regulations … though those who shaped His character in the creation of the
four Gospels tried to make Him such. Jesus taught, in word and deed, Love. Love
is not about ethics; Love is about Character. It is about the very essence of
being a person.
Preaching should be about the
“formation of character”. So should civil education. So should worship. So
should sport. That’s what I think anyway.
The word “education” derives
from the Latin “e-ducare” … “to lead out from”.
In the great Christian Myth,
the Holy Spirit is the Great Teacher. She shapes Character. She doesn’t want us
to behave properly; She wants us to shine with the love, passion for justice,
and compassion which radiates from the Cross.
Boy: if you take this stuff seriously, we have our work cut out
for us! But remember, setting forth on that inner path, surrendering to it, is,
as Jesus said, a “yoke that is easy and the ‘burden’ light”.
Because we know in our heart
that this is the path to freedom.
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