Brian’s Reflection: Sunday, April 15, 2012
Jesus invites each one of us, through Thomas,
to touch not only his wounds,
but those wounds in others and in ourselves,
wounds that can make us hate others and ourselves
and can be a sign of separation and division.
These wounds will be transformed into a sign of forgiveness
through the love of Jesus
and will bring people together in love.
These wounds reveal that we need each other.
These wounds become the place of mutual compassion,
of indwelling
and of thanksgiving.
We, too, will show our wounds
when we are with him in the kingdom,
revealing our brokenness
and the healing power of Jesus.
Jean Vanier “
Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus
through the Gospel of “John.”
[ The full texts of the Readings for Easter II_Year B_Revised Common Lectionary can be found at : ]
Given this Gospel passage of Jesus inviting Thomas to “put your finger here in my side”, we tend to concentrate on Thomas. But perhaps, as Jean Vanier invites us, it is the wound in which we might find insight in concentrating.
Julian of Norwich says of the wound in the side of Jesus …”there he revealed a fair and delectable place, large enough for all mankind that will be saved and will rest in peace and in love.” And then comments … “that is the endless love which was without beginning and is and always shall be”.
In a sense, we can think of the wound of Jesus as, metaphorically, the window into our “souls”, our deepest core of Being. Touching this wound, as Thomas did with Jesus at His invitation, invites us to contemplate how bringing our woundedness as persons into intimate embrace with the Divine within us makes us whole … i.e., heals us, “saves” us.
Bruno Barnhart, OSBCam, says that this connection is the “the interior ‘touch’ which is unitive experience of the Spirit” … and the Spirit is what gives Life.
Jesus invites Thomas to enter into the “bosom” of Himself … and so this is an invitation to us to enter into the “bosom of God” - into our own complete Selves.
And then, Jean Vanier reminds us, we are invited into unity with each other and into the central “work” of “bringing people together in love”.
As I pondered this, I experienced a sense of freedom and wholeness. I know how “wounded” I am as a Lover … but see the possibilities, joined with my Inner Christ.
As always, thanks to my friend and admired colleague Amma Suzanne Guthrie for offering these quotes!
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