Monday, July 14, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, July 14, 2008

Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write
the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.

- Arabic proverb

I’ve had quite a weird five years, health-wise. A doctor punctured my aorta (almost died); open-heart surgery to replace my aortic valve that had to be delayed because of that doctor; gall-bladder removal; cyst removed from my throat; discovered I have a hole in my heart; colon burst from diverticulitis (almost died), had a colostomy; severe ecoli bacterial infection, took 6 weeks of daily intravenous antibiotics to get rid of it; reversal of the colostomy, 2nd major abdominal surgery; surgery to repair a major abdominal hernia, 3rd major abdominal surgery.

First: whatever difficulties you’ve had, this should make you feel at least a little better!

Second: All the above is “written on sand”.

Third: each morning when I awake, I will recall one of the countless good things that have happened to me, which far outweigh the “bad”, and write in on the piece of marble that is erected like a beautiful temple in my heart.

“Where your “treasure” is, there will your heart be also.”

Blessings on this day!


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