Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why should I be anxious? It is not up to me
to think of myself. It is up to me to think
of God. And it is up to God to think of me.

-Simone Weil, philosopher, mystic

Well. If we human beings could get rid of anxiety, that would be (perhaps) a very good thing. But, anxiety can have a useful purpose. It alerts us to possible danger.

But Madam Weil points to what I think is a better way. Surrender. In the Gospel tradition, “surrender” has nothing to do with “giving up”. It has to do with the Tao - with being in synch with the flow of the Universe. Simply put, it really makes Life easier not to be swimming against the tide all the time!

Did Jesus think this way? Oh yes He did. “Seek first the Kingdom”. The Kingdom is where everything is One, within the grid of Compassion.

Weil is a wise person. I like her understanding of “God”. “God” is the wondrous structure of Existence in which we have our rightful, natural place. If we want to live without anxiety, we must “think of God”. If we can rest in that mindfulness, “God” is always thinking of you and me. Anxiety has little place in that relationship. Events may disturb us at times; such is human life. But, as the parable teaches, we build on rock – our Oneness with all Existence. And generally our “house” shall stand calmly in the storms.


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