Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, May 22, 2009

The fact is that more people have been slaughtered
in the name of religion than for any other single reason.
That, THAT my friends, is true perversion.

- Harvey Milk, Gay San Francisco Supervisor, murdered;
he was born on this day, 1930

I have been going through a very interesting shift for some time now, but especially since I retired from full-time ministry as an Episcopal priest. Is Religion, on balance, at all useful in the journey of becoming fully human as the Gospel (and many other religions) proposes? I used to think Yes. Now I think No.

This is not to say that religious people have not done kind, caring things for others. Many have. But I have come to realize that, on the whole, Harvey is correct. The negative effects of Religion far outweigh the positive, in my view. In fact, we don’t need millions of people being slaughtered in the name of Religion to justify the charge of perversion. ONE will do.

Organized Religion has stood against Truth, against Scientific Knowledge, against Compassion, against Justice, against Love far too often, and far too viciously, to justify supporting it as it exists. It is time for those who know that the true goal of Religion is to bind together peoples in Love and understanding to reclaim Religion and to reinvent it. Can, will we do this?

I have said before that every culture has invented its own “God”/gods/goddesses. Now is the time for those of us who believe that “God” is meant for the binding together of peoples in Compassion and Dignity to join together and to be focused, amazing instruments of that Compassion and Dignity. It is a simple path.

It will be a hard road in this World we live in. But even the first step will begin to change everything. I call upon all of you: challenge your religious tradition to take up this path. Challenge your own faith community to reject perversion and to take up the amazing path of Divine Love. To uphold the intrinsic value and worth of every human being.

Let us be such an instrument ourselves. Our hearts will swell with Joy and Wonder. What Peace we will know!


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