Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The world changes in direct proportion
to the number of people willing to be
honest about their lives.

- Armistead Maupin, author, born on this date, 1944

There is a story told about a spiritual director (or whatever the PC thing to call such a person today is), who met her “directee” for the first time. She asked him: “Have you ever thought of killing your father?” The man paused for several seconds and then said quietly, “Yes”. “Good”, said the Director; there’s hope for you.”

Point: in Life, we are not likely to get very far if we are not or “can’t be” honest. I believe this to be true of individuals and of every other level of social organization. And our problem? Much of Life, of relationship, is based on dishonesty, profound dishonesty, about the basics of being human. And despite what it often says about honesty as a moral good, Religion is often a major handmaid of Dishonesty. As is Politics.

We are taught to lie – or to repress the truth - in order to be “acceptable”, to be liked, to be safe, to be hireable, to “fit in”, etc. We are taught not to talk about sex (especially sexual orientation) and about countless other things that are part of being human because we have somehow come to the crazy delusion that this will make personal and social Life easier, more pleasant. Has it worked, do you think? I don’t. It has just created a World of shadow beings who interact with each other on the basis of lies from subtle to huge proportions. And the result is predictable: contempt.

Jesus is reported to have said, “The Truth will set you free”. I believe He is absolutely right. The human race is presently enslaved by dishonesty, and the results are all around us. It’s time for a change in the World - and it will change “in direct proportion to the number of people willing to be honest about their lives”.

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