Monday, July 13, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Acceptance is a dynamic act. It should not signal inertness, stagnation,
or inactivity. One should simply ascertain what the situation requires and
then implement what one thinks is best. As long as one's deeds are in accord
with the time and one leaves no sloppy traces, then the action is correct.

- Deng Ming Dao

I wonder: is it because I am in my seventh decade that I find the concept of “acceptance” attractive? It seems to me that young persons equate “acceptance” with “resignation” – and resignation is not something that most young person relate to.

But Deng (who is a living contemporary Chinese philosopher and author) eliminates any sense of resignation. He eliminates any sense of moral judgment or turpitude (love that word!). What he is saying is simply that “acceptance” means acknowledging Reality, rejecting denial, seeing Truth. I like this.

We waste a lot of time and energy in Life avoiding stuff. In the end, Reality eventually catches up with us – as it should. I have done a lot of that in my Life. I think it was not just because of fear, though that comes into play. It was also a sense of inadequacy. We all feel that – a lot!

Deng’s advice is wise. If one needs a platform for taking action, then much better to take hold of the situation, “ascertain what the situation requires and then implement what one thinks best”, than to give Fear the power. “Acceptance” means staring Fear down. It is Fear that underlies “inertness, stagnation, or inactivity”. In the end, Life gives us what it gives us – that is morally neutral. Life is not generally “out to get us”. Life simply challenges us to engage, trusting in our own gifts, reveling in the freedom we have to shape our lives.

Even if we leave “sloppy traces” – and we will! – they are but another thing to accept and use.

Though I must say: I don’t want to be “correct”, rather ….. charmed!


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