Monday, July 27, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We must confront the privileged elite who
have destroyed a large part of the world.

- Guess who - born on this date, 1954

This quote is aimed at the 99.9999999% of you (including me) who will be getting this Reflection. We are members of the “privileged elite”. To my mind it is uncontestable that, since Time Immemorial, we have destroyed a large part of the World, primarily to give ourselves power and comfort. Included in this small percentage are people of every sub-category of the human race. The “privileged elite” transcend every aspect of human distinction.

Now, can you not imagine Jesus saying these words? Or Gandhi? Or Nelson Mandela? Or Chief Black Elk? Or Elijah? Or John XXIII? Or those determined to oppose those who go on polluting the Earth to gain riches, regardless of those following us who will live with disease and squalor and hate and warfare?

If Christianity means anything to those who follow it’s Path, especially those like us who are among the top .5% of the world’s population, it means that we must radicalize ourselves. No one is going to do it for us. “God” is not going to force us – God never does. If World or personal events “push us”, that is our interpretation, not God’s manipulation. All God said was, “I am Love; Love one another”.

And we must remember something else. “God” has no preference for any political system. “God” does not care if people are democratic, or socialist, or communist, or benevolently dictatorial, or anything else. All “God” cares about is that Her people have what they need not only simply to sustain Life but to live in selfless service to each other, to laugh, to have what is needed to make Life a blessing. Everyone. Not just a privileged elite.

Retirement has been a great blessing for me. I have quickly seen what I do not need, and seen what really makes Life wonder-ful.

Don’t panic. You/we don’t have to live in squalor. Just simply. Just knowing what makes Life joyous. But what a Journey that will be! And yet Jesus promises: if you have given up everything for “His Sake” – a metaphor for Love and Justice – one receives a hundred-fold, blessings full and spilling over.

Let’s give it a thought today.


Oh: quote from ………. Hugo Chavez.

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