Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The ultimate mystery is one's own self.

Sammy Davis Jr., he was born
on this date, 1925, in Manhattan

What a Life. The only African-American member of the “Rat Pack”; made millions as an entertainer; died in 1990 of throat cancer ….. and in debt to the IRS. Is it not amazing how Life can go?? One day on a golf course with Jack Benny, he was asked what his handicap was. His answer? “I’m a one-eyed Negro Jew”. It’s always a blessing to have a sense of humour!

OK. There are lots of mysteries in the World, in Existence. The World Itself is (I capitalize, because I see the World as a goddess - Gaia); Kindness is; Love is; Time is; Feelings are; Sadness is; Loneliness is; Friends are; The Universe is; Stars are; the Body is; Wonder is. The List is endless ….. and so all things are Mystery.

The Self? Oh yes!! There may be things about the Universe that we both know and know we don’t know ….. in spades! But ….. “one’s own Self”. I have lived in this persona, of this Earth, for nearly 65 years. And I know that I have only scratched the surface about my Self. I constantly amaze myself! Now that I am older, I am more open to learning the reality about my Self. I think about the fact that I/we use only about 10% of our brain, and I am left mouth-agaped. But you know, I am also left with a deep Peace. These days, I wake up knowing that I know very little, and delighted that I will undoubtedly learn something new today. And I rest in a kind of euphoria of Expectation ….. which this Advent season so elegantly pictures.

Oh you young folk! I really hope that this can be a part of your Life right now! I really would love to think that you will get farther than I!


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