Thursday, April 2, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, April 3, 2009

Some minds seem almost to create themselves, springing
up under every disadvantage and working their solitary but
irresistible way through a thousand obstacles.

-Washington Irving, born on this day, 1783, in NYC

I could sense him when I walked into the bare, stone, empty space. Washington Irving. I had read “Tales of the Alhambra” many years ago, when I was young and longing to see such places as the Alhambra. And then my friend Sheldon and I were there! In Granada. We walked up the incline road to the top of the hill, to what is now a World Heritage Site. And began to wander.

I knew that Irving had come here in 1829. He just “moved in” and set up his “residence” – something I so wish I could do now in so many wonderful places! I get so envious when I read that Widow Durrell and her children could just decamp from England and go live on Corfu! Oh, why has the World changed so much!

I think I have the kind of mind Irving spoke of. I have basically “created myself”. Not that I have had huge disadvantages. And not that I haven’t had friendly advice. But essentially, I have “worked my solitary and irresistible way” through the various obstacles of my life. And I have arrived at age almost 63 and can say that I am essentially content and “happy”. And it has very little to do with “stuff”. It has to do with love and friendship, and with the privilege of exulting in beauty of all sorts. And with being able to play in some wonderful places ….. usually “on the cheap”!

I sat in the Court of the Lions in the Alhambra, in the warm Spanish sun, and felt an enormous Joy. And Peace. It is the same Joy and Peace I experience when I remember that I am one with all Being. The harshness and intolerance and hate filling the World these days have not enough power to erase the Court of the Lions from my mind and heart.

May you know many Courts of the Lions. And remember: you have the mind to sweep away the obstacles and create what the Universe offers us all.


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