Saturday, April 11, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: The Weekend, for April 12, 2009
[ Easter Day in the Christian Calendar ]

Christ was in the tomb; the whole world was sown with the seed of Christ’s life;
that which happened thirty years ago in the womb of the Virgin Mother was
happening now, but now it was happening yet more secretly, yet more mysteriously,
in the womb of the whole world. Christ had already told those who flocked to hear
Him preach that the seed must fall into the earth, or else remain by itself alone.
Now the seed of His life was hidden in darkness in order that His life should quicken in countless hearts, over and over again for all time. His burial, which seemed to be the end, was the beginning. It was the beginning of Christ-life in multitudes of souls. It was the beginning, too, of the renewal of Christ’s life in countless souls.

- Caryll Houselander 1901-1954

Yes! This is what the Holy Myth of Jesus’ Resurrection, celebrated year by year, is essentially about. It is about coming to, or being renewed in, the amazing comprehension that we are “Of God”, and of All Things. It is to comprehend that the matter of our physical being has been intersected by the divine spirit, and we have thus become fully human. It is to know that each and every one of us, indeed all things, are made of the atoms of stars and galaxies.

This is no “miracle”. This is the simple Wonder and the Mystery of Being.

But the primary message is this: LET US LIVE THIS MYSTERY!

This Easter (sublimely still named after the Saxon goddess of Life and Fertility!) I feel yet again the call to strive to be my fullest, deepest, most glorious Self – a “child” of the God of Love.

And to help others so Become – as Jesus died to do.

May your Life bloom with the Wonder of your Christ-ness.


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