Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, April 23, 2009
On Friday 23rd April his temperature rose and he lost consciousness, dying in the late afternoon. Early in the evening, three of his fellow officers took a digging party ashore [ on the Greek island of Skyros] to the olive grove and set to work. Later, the coffin was brought up the dried water course by a company of twelve Australian petty officers. Brooke was buried shortly before midnight in the dark silence of the deserted valley, amidst the scent of flowering sage.
- the death and burial of Rupert Brooke, poet, on Skyros; he died on this date, 1915
Ah the poetry of Rupert Brooke ….. so sensitive, so elegant, so “innocent”. I have instructed Dennis that he is to take my ashes to Skyros and, at “shortly before midnight in the dark silence of the deserted valley, amdist the scent of flowering sage”, to scatter my ashes near Rupert Brooke. Of course, there will be a full moon. And he can sit and sip a bottle of Vernaccia white wine from San Gemignano, cooled in a spring, breathe in the scent of the sage, and smile at the sharing of Life. Oh, I know it’s “romantic” – but you know what? Life should begin and end for all of us in beauty and charm and flowering sage. As to my dying, if I can possibly manage it I will die on a boat off the island of Lemnos as Brooke did, so Dennis won’t have far to go with the ashes to Skyros.
Rupert Brooke was only 27 when he died. But what a contribution he made to Life!
Here is Brooke’s sonnet “The Dead”: ponder, and be filled with peace.
These hearts were woven of human joys and cares,
Washed marvelously with sorrow, swift to mirth.
The years had given them kindness. Dawn was theirs,
And sunset, and the colours of the earth.
These had seen movement, and heard music; known
Slumber and waking; loved; gone proudly friended;
Felt the quick stir of wonder; sat alone;
Touched flowers and furs and cheeks. All this is ended.
There are waters blown by changing winds to laughter
And lit by the rich skies, all day. And after,
Frost, with a gesture, stays the waves that dance
And wandering loveliness. He leaves a white
Unbroken glory, a gathered radiance,
A width, a shining peace, under the night.
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