Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Friday, Oct 23, 2009

If variety is the spice of life, marriage
is the big can of leftover Spam.

- Johnny Carson, entertainer, born
on this date, 1925

First, let me confess that I rather like Spam. But: that has nothing to do with this metaphor. Do I think that “marriage” is a “good thing”? In the modern understanding, or as it works out practically: NO!

Why is Marriage such a miserable failure at the moment?

In a word: Male ignorance. Male testosterone. Male arrogance. Male childishness. Male mental inability to transcend their gonads. I am speaking about most of the World, and about most religions. If there are any cultures or communities where none of the above is in play, I would like you to tell me.

Of course: Gay men are exempt. We are paragons!

“Marriage” needs rethinking. From my point of view, any two people (and let’s not get silly here: we’re not talking about nutty relationships, etc) should be able to get married for the legal benefits – though I question the helpfulness of the “state” meddling in this business. But I am not interested in those aspects – except for equality under the law, which should be de rigeur for both straight and Gay folk. But: I AM interested in marriage which makes real people! Equal people. Loving people. Caring people.

Marriage has been corrupted in western culture. Most religion has betrayed Marriage. It has fallen victim to male (false) superiority and , strangely, male sense of inferiority. Fallen victim to control and dominance issues.

Though Marriage is not everyone’s calling and not everyone’s path to a more beautiful Humanity, “Marriage” can make those called to it more beautiful, more caring, more understanding, more loving. Primarily because we learn to displace our own Ego from the position of Tyrant to the position of Lover.

If “marriage” near you doesn’t make these things possible, work to make it so! It is good for our own soul and the World’s Soul.


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