Monday, September 13, 2010

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, September 13, 2010

The Divine Beloved longs to play joyously
and rest peacefully
within the heart of the consecrated lover.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Great Swan by Lex Hixon

What’s up today, friends? Its walk time here on the CA Central Coast for Dennis and me, after Scottish Oatmeal. It’s near lunch-time for those on the “Right Coast”; someone I know will be munching a deli sandwich in Bryant Park. Many of you still working (dig, dig, from the Retired One here!) will be dealing with all manner of stresses and strains as well as creative stuff (I hope). And if I can paraphrase a song, “I wonder what the Mid-Westerners are doooo-ing mid-day!!”.

Just a reminder to us all today that using the mind and figuring out “mysteries” and “believing” and “taking action” are all part of the Wholeness Journey. (I’m looking for other words than “spiritual”; that word seems to me to create that spirit/body duality that I don’t agree with.) But the core of it all is closer to what the swami says. Bottom line, we are closest to Wholeness when “the Divine Beloved” rests peacefully and plays joyously in the core of our Being.

In the midst of the day, I wish you a consecrated heart and the gifts it brings.


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