Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, Dec 4, 2008

- “Colourful Life”, by Wassily Kandinsky,
who was born on this day, 1866

The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul”, said Kandinsky. He learned this (in my view) from that artist of the Universe we call “God”, Whose business is the training of the Soul, i.e., of us. Resistant as we are! It is said that “God” is indeflectible. Must be true. A lot of us are “trained” by inappropriate adults to be dour; if we are lucky, the dour ones lose! I am glad to say that, in my case, I was lucky and they lost big time! I have a built in rebellious nature! Next to being a disciple of the Gospel, I am next a “hedonist”. I drink in every richness of Life.

Look at this painting! Vibrant! ( If you can't see it, go here: and scroll down). The place it reminds me the most of is Brasil. I had the great pleasure to spend several days and nights on the beach in Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. If I had the money (and Dennis would go), I would live there. The women wear brilliant white, but at night, on the beach, there is music and singing, and the men and women wear glorious colours. There was horrible poverty in Salvador ….. but it only takes a beach and simple instruments and simple food and a fire and community to make an evening of delight. I have been many places, from Park Avenue fancy penthouses, to Venetian dinner parties, to Aztec dinners on the beach in Mexico, to elegant parties in the Caribbean. Give me Salvador any time – unpretentious simple joy!

The “Christmas Season” is coming. In our culture, it can be full of false colour, bravely trying to hide the drabness and the garishness of consumerist life. Give all that up this Christmas. Buy nothing. Worship simply and quietly. Make simple acts of Love. Your life will glow with true colours that will gladden your Being.


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