Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy?
I don't know and I don't care.

- William Safire, philosopher, born on this day, 1929

Ignorance. Apathy. What Mr. Safire has jocularly said about sloppiness in speech can as well be said about Religion! I am amazed at the ignorance of “religious” people! Dennis and I were at Vespers tonight; we go regularly for a fine, quiet, reflective, meditative, shared time of prayer. One member spoke about a Roman Catholic friend with whom she had been talking. The friend had said how he had no idea about the “Seasons of the Church”. What Advent was all about. He had only noticed that the priest was wearing different colour vestments – but had no idea why. Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

William Safire reminds me that we have to laugh! God, what strange creatures we human beings are. It would really be a good thing if we could all remember this.

But let’s think for a moment about ignorance and apathy. Neither of these things should apply to any human being wanting to understand who they are and what Life is all about. And it certainly should never apply to “theology”. The Inner God wants us to understand who we are, and does NOT want us to be apathetic about it. It is NOT appropriate not to want to “know”, and it is NOT appropriate not to care!

Let’s not be sloppy about knowing who we are and about “fighting” (this is a metaphorical term; it has nothing to do with literal killing; it has to do with inner transformation) to become human, fully human.

Who are you? BE that. Then Life is about clarifying that who you are trying to BE is truly authentic. Christianity says that “authentic” is to be “in the image of God”. If you other than Christian, including non-theistic, what does this mean for you?”

Oh, I love Safire’s humour. But. Let’s know ….. and let’s care.


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