Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, December 18, 2008

Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the
narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.

- Carl Jung, scientist of the Mind

Guilty, guilty, guilty. I confess and admit it. I keep thinking that we human beings can improve. Did I mention that Dennis and I went to see the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still” recently?? At the heart of the movie was the question: “Can we change?” Or, more importantly, “Will we Change?” The alien in the movie was apparently “moved” by the love between a child and his adoptive mother ….. apparently he saw that Love makes a difference. I like to think so. And the Gospel asks us to think so. And to live on this Principle.

I am definitely an Idealist – by choice, because I am a Christian. Though the power of that Idealism has lessened in the last several years. I am deeply discouraged by the World. We seem to be choosing all the “bad” things: intolerance, brokenness, separation, condescension, power-mongering, fear, xenophobia, and much more that is damaging to shared Life on this planet. Sad.

I do not intend to give up Idealism. I was taught that we were made in the “image of God”. And I learned that “God” is Love and Justice and Mercy and Compassion. I have thought about this. We “created” God – and God is what we humans most hope for ourselves – even if we ignore it most of the time.

Narcotics and alcohol are temporary “solutions”. We all know this. Belief in our Godliness is not a fantasy. It is an expression of our deepest intuitive understanding that we are Beautiful.

I believe in our Human Beauty.

Join me.


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