Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, Jan 7, 2010

The Bible shows the way to go to heaven,
not the way the heavens go.

Galileo Galilei, genius, scientist. On this date,
1610, he sighted four of Jupiter’s moons

That’s because “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork”. The opening line of Psalm 19, I believe. And someone famously set it to music – I can hear it ringing in my ears!. Who? Handel?

In other words, Nature has its own character and way of “behaving”, showing the “way the heavens go”. But it is a rich metaphor for “rising to be with God in eternity”. The two relate – but they connect two different realms. When we leave Nature’s heaven, we are guided to a home for our enduring Spirit.

Religion’s “Heaven” and Science’s “Heavens” are not synonymous. They do not contradict each other. They serve each other. As Dennis and I were driving to Vespers last night, the sunset, from Santa Maria all the way to Shell Beach, was one of the most spectacular we had ever seen. We rejoiced in this glory of our earthly existence. We also understood it’s message. Appropriately, it being Jan 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, it “manifested” the great Mystery: “We are gods, sons/daughters of the Most High”.


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