Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, January 28, 2010

Peoples are made of hate and of love,
and more of hate than love.

Jose Marti, revolutionary, artist; he was
born on this date, 1853 (died 1895, age 42)

Marti was a Cuban national hero and an important figure in Latin American literature. In his short life he was a poet, an essayist, a journalist, a revolutionary philosopher, a translator, a professor, a publisher, and a political theorist. His newspaper Patria was a key instrument in his campaign for Cuban independence. After his death, one of his poems from the book, "Versos Sencillos" (Simple Verses) was adapted to the song, "Guantanamera," which has become the definitive patriotic song of Cuba.

His words pose an interesting “theological” issue. Are we human beings essentially “hateful”, or “loving”?? Christians seems to hold that human beings are essentially “good” because they are “made in God’s image”.

Like so many of such issues, for me it comes down to Choice as to what we believe and why. Choice is the central demand of human freedom. There is so-called evidence both “for” and “against”. Personally, I think, along with Marti, that the evidence is on the side of “hate” rather than “love”. I have become more either cynical or realistic in my advancing years. The Bible seems to lean towards “Good”. That is because the Bible is not about “reality” but about Hope.

“Religion” is a thing devised, – at its best - I think, to thrust in the face of “Hate”. To give it it’s best interpretation, it is because we human beings are so aware of our capacity for Hate that we have invented the God of Love, Justice, Fairness, Compassion. We know all too well our capability for Evil – but we also descend into our innermost hearts and know also our yearning for Peace, for Compassion, our desire to live together in unity. We human beings can “find” that center that longs for this Calm.

Marti certainly knew from experience the human capacity for Evil. Deep down, most of us long for Peace and Tolerance.

I can buy into that.


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