Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, July 7, 2011

I have had a delightful, fascinating, surprising Life ….
because of wild shifts, changes
discrimination & hate, as a Gay man and priest
glorious Journeys around the World
time as a monk
fabulous fabulous faithful Friends!
many divine parishioners ….. and many disappointing ones
horrible, near–death illnesses
lies told about me
a great brother
a terrific friend I’ve know for 60 years
a charming, thoughtful, generous, fun, loving husband
the opportunities to guide, support, affirm many persons
times to be with and learn from the poor and the rich
countless GLBT, “straight”, and beautiful weird friends who enrich the World
countless Wisdom teachers
little money, to learn frugality
a priestly calling to learn to appreciate human beings
inundations of Beauty
65 years of human experience.

The pros have far outweighed the cons.

I’m 65 today. I never thought I’d make it. Thank You to ALL that has made Life worth living.


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