Monday, January 12, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, January 12, 2009
[ A Late Offering! ]

Let change be your guiding star. We ought to love
the turning point. Whenever you want to complain,
remind yourself, “I’m at a turning point. What is it
turning to now?” And be enthusiastic for it.

- Rainer Maria Tilke, poet, (translated By Br. David Stendahl-Rast

Being enthusiastic for it is the “hard part”, especially as one gets older, and as one has a spouse and others to deal with in entering into Change! But the principle holds, I believe. I have found that Change keeps me on my toes. I contemplate a lot of change – but of course not all change is right or necessary. One has to choose carefully and lovingly and thoughtfully and prayerfully. And often in synch with others.

But I have also found that being willing to contemplate all kinds of Change keeps one fit in the head and heart!

Change can run us, or we can use it wisely. I like the latter!


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