Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Painting is self-discovery. Every

good artist paints what (s)he is. 


- Jackson Pollock, artist, born on this

  day, 1912  (brackets mine)



Human being-ness is “self-discovery”. Prayer is “self-discovery”. Failure is “self-discovery”. Community is “self-discovery”. Partnership/marriage is “self-discovery”. Solitude is "self-discovery". It goes on forever.


The artist/painter has a canvas of some sort. They are projecting their journey of self-discovery onto something that they can see  -  and adjust, and re-do. So do all of us. We are all artists, either beginners or masters or in between, of the art of Life. We have Life, and our environment, and our relationships, and our work  -  in fact, everything we get involved with.


For many, Life is just a matter of doing what has to be done. Some choose this way; many – far to many – have no choice, even in our supposedly “improving” World. And some, privileged, can indeed make a choice to project the painting of their Life our from themselves into all they do. Most can’t stay focused enough to keep but a hesitant grip on it.


Well:  don’t be discouraged! This is normal. It takes some concentration and effort. Religions, philosophies offer methods of keeping focused. But – I think it is built into being Human! Self-discovery will “out”, no matter what!


We all must “self-discover”. And what a wonderful thing if we help each other!



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