Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Monday, January 26, 2009

A better world shall emerge based on faith and understanding.

Could I have but a line a century hence crediting
a contribution to the advance of peace, I would yield
every honor which has been accorded by war.

- ???

With regret, I must disagree with one half of the first quote. I do believe that “understanding” will bring forth a “better world”. But if by “faith” is meant religion, I sadly must disagree, given the present state of things - though ….. I would like to believe that it could be true. If, however, by “faith” is meant hope and longing, and a determination to work towards this hope and longing, my heart and spirit can rise a little. Essentially, I see many faithful layfolk yearning for a better world. Alas, I see the “hierarchical”, institutional leadership engaged in exclusion and in power politics and in issues of control – with very few possible exceptions - which, to my mind, only generates hate, ignorance, contempt, and worst of all, the limitation of God’s desire for unity in love.

I shall be watching the pope’s YouTube forays with interest. If I see anything that indicates a real concern and interest and understanding of young people today, and not a desire to indoctrinate, I shall cheer.

Would that this man had been listened to by the recently past American administration. And by most of the so-called leaders of the World today. To my mind, war is an abject confession of the failure of human understanding and decency, and one of the most searing confessions of human sin. This is true whatever the cause of war, even so-called “justifiable” resistance to evil. There are people who misunderstand certain of Jesus’ words, like “I come not to bring peace, but a sword”, and enlist Him (and God) on the side of war. They are guilty of blasphemy, if you will excuse such an archaic phrase. It is abundantly clear, from the centrality of such words as those of the Beatitudes like “Blessed are the Peacemakers”, what God cherishes. Would that every warmonger had paid attention.

The man I have quoted seems to have come to understand this, despite his military background. I’m with him. May each of us “yield every honor” which is “accorded by war” - be it personal or national antagonism and lust for domination - for the crediting of a “contribution to the advancement of peace”.

Quoted? General Douglas MacArthur, born on this day, 1880


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