Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Thursday, January 8, 2009

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something
about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is
purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.

- Stephen Hawking, physicist, philosopher, born on this day, 1942

Well, some of my friends (and perhaps “enemies”!) will be glad to hear me say I don’t agree with Hawking that “the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive”. I only say such things when I am on a rant. However, I do think that we human beings can be pretty destructive - look around, in any era. The word I disagree with is “purely”. I do not believe in the concept of “purity”. No one, no thing perhaps, is “pure” anything. Good or bad. Gentle or violent. Etc.

Nor do I think that computer viruses should count as “life”. And it would take too long to explain why. However: we (well, at least some of us) produce babies. Perhaps Dr. Hawking meant to say produce “other” or “different” forms of Life?? Many babies do grow up to be pretty destructive.

One of my favourite bumper stickers is “Oh, Evolve”. And here is the problem that Hawking raises, in my mind. Can we? Evolve, I mean. At the moment, we are doing a pretty good job of “creating life in our own image”. Prejudice; hate; fear; xenophobia; power-madness; materialism; tribalism; militarism - the list is long.

I would say that, in some essence, Faith or Religion or Philosophy is about Evolving. That is why human beings have created these paths, and the Gods/Goddesses/Ideas that personify (in most cases) the desire or hope of evolving away from destructive forms of life – especially the evolution of ourselves. I can’t think of any Faith, Religion, or Philosophy which tutors us towards destruction (except some fringe ones, which I shall have the grace to refrain from identifying).

In the Christian tradition, the Incarnation (birth of God in/among humanity) tells us that – yep, you guessed it – the evolution has to be first of ourselves. WE, not “others”, have to evolve. So it is little use going off to “missionize” others; they will only emulate their teachers. As we see in spades these days.

So: to paraphrase the “old song” , “Let Evolving begin on Earth ….. and let it begin with Me!” And You! If any of us want Peace or Justice of Kindness or Compassion, WE have to at least begin becoming living examples of these things.

I suggest we do it “Alone and With Others”. Evolving needs support! And one small step at a time - as one wise person once said, the longest journey begins with the first step. Nourish Creation, not Destruction.


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