Monday, January 19, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Tuesday, January 20, 2008
The Inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States

We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize
what it's like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy to understand
what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old –
and that's the criterion by which I'll be selecting my judges.

- Barack Hussein Obama, inaugurated this day as the 44th President
of the United States of America

I searched many places for President Obama’s words – the first time in eight years that I have been able to place the word “President” in front of the name of the person in the White House. Finally, I chose these – because they reminded me of Jesus and of the Gospel.

All of Yahweh’s judges denounced those in power who ignored the poor, the outcast (meaning the powerless), and all those who challenged the comfort of the privileged. This includes all the great Hebrew prophets. Jesus too held the poor and the ignored and the outcast close to His heart – and made it clear in many ways that these were the people who represented God’s heart, God’s desire that every human being be treated with dignity as Her child, created in Her Image.

I have had tears in my eyes since Nov 4; and I most certainly will today as Barack (meaning, Blessed, and representing us all) Obama is inaugurated to represent my chosen land among the peoples of God’s World. Not because I think he will change instantly what I experienced as the callous inhumanity of the last eight years. But because President Obama represents sublimely – certainly to me as a Gay man who has served the God of Love and Justice and God’s people for over 40 years - the poverty and the outcastness and the indignity under which so many of us suffer at the hands of uncaring political and moneyed and false religious leaders.

May he indeed choose judges who will uphold Justice for the young teenage mom, the poor, the African-American, the Gay, the disabled, the aged – as well as every citizen who is held in bondage and unable to access their God-like humanity, amongst whom I include all held in bondage by hate, prejudice, fear, and by the deep ignorance and spiritual deprivation that underlies these conditions.

May this man, Barack Obama, be held in safety and honour. May he be upheld and nourished by Grace and Love and Respect – not only personally, but as he represents the Hope of us all that we can indeed be a people and individuals characterized by Justice, Compassion, Kindness, and – more than tolerance – by the Reality which sweeps away all threat, and opens every heart to the diversity of being Human.


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