Monday, January 12, 2009

Brian’s Reflection: Sat/Sun, Jan 10/11, 2009

I have baptized you with water; but he will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

- from the Gospel named “Mark”, the reading for
the first Sunday after Epiphany, January 11, 2009

“Baptism with water” fulfils a legalistic requirement. Though, we can affirm the “baptism of John” as a positive thing – the “sacrament” of drawing people into the promise of God’s love and “salvation”.

The “baptism of the Sprit”, which John says Jesus brings and offers, is a different thing, It transcends legalism, transcends the “meeting of the requirements of the Law”. “Baptism of the Spirit” is a gifting of Grace. Of God’s Grace.

What does this mean? “Baptism in the Spirit” re-grounds us in the central proclamation of the Gospel: that we are loved unconditionally. That the death of Jesus, willingly accepted, “take away the Sin of the World” – by which is meant simply that Separation from God (Sin) is not possible. We are always redeemed sinners in God’s Heart. Which means that we are always free – if we choose – to become “as Christ”, to be fully connected with the Mystery that Gives Life.

Baptism in the Christian Church is always a joyful proclamation of the potential of our becoming fully human – flesh and spirit. It is always a proclamation of our Belovedness.

When we grasp that we are Beloved, we rise “to the Life immortal”. The “Kingdom” has come. And now we are called to assist others in finding the Life of Grace.

ALL others. For we are all God’s offspring. “Full of Grace and Truth”. God’s “favour” rests on us.


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